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Change background color of two div inside one div R Shiny

I'd like to change background color of one div which has two div´s inside.

I have written in the UI:

       div(fileInput(inputId = "file1",
                     label = "File 1"),
           style="min-width:200px;max-width:45%; float:left; margin-right:2.5%;"),
       div(fileInput(inputId = "file21",
                     label = "File 2,1"),
           fileInput(inputId = "file22",
                     label = "File 2,2"),
           style="min-width:200px;max-width:45%; float:left;"),
   style = "width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6;"),

But the color does not change. When I change background-color to each separate div it does work. But it does not look nice. That's why I want to change background-color in the bigger div.

Any idea?

Maybe the ir another way to achieve this though.


  • Either you need to give that parent container div a height or you style the fluidPage / fluidRow containing it:

    ui <- fluidPage(
        div(fileInput(inputId = "file1",
                      label = "File 1"),
            style="min-width:200px;max-width:45%; float:left; margin-right:2.5%;"),
        div(fileInput(inputId = "file21",
                      label = "File 2,1"),
            fileInput(inputId = "file22",
                      label = "File 2,2"),
            style="min-width:200px;max-width:45%; float:left;"),
        # style = "width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6;") # height: 500px;
      style = "width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6;"
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
    shinyApp(ui, server)