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A11Y - Screen reader doesn't read `aria-description` tag

I currently have a simple bit of markup on my site, and can't seem to get a screen reader to read it. Am I missing something?

<section aria-label="This is the text I want to be read "></section>

I've also tried:

<section aria-description="This is the text I want to be read "></section>

The section isn't tabbable as such as its not a link, not sure if that's connected to the problem, but my understanding of whether the screen reader should or should not be reading something is sketchy at best.

Screen reader in question, if it matters.

Any help appreciated.


  • It might depend how you are navigating with the screen reader. Since the <section> is not a keyboard focusable element, I'm assuming you have some text content in it? Most screen readers will let you navigate to all elements on the page, including plain text, using the down arrow. The down arrow essentially walks the DOM. (It actually walks the accessibility tree but for now think of it as walking the DOM.)

    If you can navigate to a focusable element before the <section> using the tab key, then you can start using the down arrow to get to the section.

    With NVDA, I heard "This is the text I want to be read, region". Note that it's saying "region" because a <section> element has a default role of "region".

    With JAWS, it did not read the aria-label, but that's because of the JAWS default verbosity settings which does not include regions. If you change your verbosity setting from the default "medium" to "high", then you will hear the section label when you arrow down to it. (Or you can configure your current verbosity setting to include regions.)

    With JAWS, you can also navigate by landmarks. Since a <section> has a "region" role, and a region is a landmark, I can navigate by landmarks with JAWS using the R key and when I do that, I hear "This is the text I want to be read region", regardless of my verbosity setting.

    So, as someone else posted, if you use a "standard" screen reader, the label will be read. If you use a lesser known screen reader, then it's hard to say what will happen.

    Regarding aria-description, that's not production yet. It's part of the ARIA 1.3 specs which is still in draft form. The production ARIA 1.2 does not have aria-description so it's doubtful it will be read.