I write a simple to ngrx project to test store, but I got the infinity loop However I try to copy other example without loop. Firstly, I define 2 class model as below:
export interface IBookRecords {
id? : number;
bookNumber?: string;
guestID ? : number;
guestName ? :string;
bookdetails? : IBookDetail[];
export interface IBookDetail {
id? : number;
roomName?: string;
For action.ts , I write this
requestSingleRecord : createAction('[Booking] Load booking record'),
requestSingleRecordSuccess : createAction('[Booking] Load booking record', props<{booker: IBookRecords}>() )
For effect.ts , I write this
loadBookRecords1$ = createEffect(() => this.action$.pipe
mergeMap(() =>
switchMap(booker => [
appActions.requestSingleRecordSuccess({ booker })])
For reducer.ts , I write this
export interface IAppState {
booker : IBookRecords
export const initialState: IAppState = {
export const appReducer = createReducer(
on(appActions.requestSingleRecordSuccess, (state, action) => ({
...state, booker :action.booker
on(appActions.updaterecord, (state, action) => ({
...state, booker :action.booker
for selector.ts , I write this
const selectBookRecordFeature = createFeatureSelector<IAppState>('booker');
export const selectBookRecordCs = createSelector (
(state : IAppState) => state.booker
Then, when I write this.store.dispatch(appActions.requestSingleRecord());
on appcomponent under ngOnInit() function, it will get infinite loop
Can anyone advise ?
Thank you
Since you have same action type for both requestSingleRecord and requestSingleRecordSuccess. It's get infite loop, try to change the action types something like
requestSingleRecord : createAction('[Booking] Load booking record'),
requestSingleRecordSuccess : createAction('[Booking] Load booking record sucess', props<{booker: IBookRecords}>() )