I want to change the color of the system navigation and status bar when entering the dark mode.
This is my code:
void main() async {
statusBarBrightness: Brightness.dark,
statusBarColor: Colors.white,
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.white,
systemNavigationBarDividerColor: Colors.white,
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
I use SystemChrome and it works fine. But my problem is, I can only change the color manual via code, not when switching to dark or light mode or when I use the system settings.
After trying many things, I found the following solution to my problem. I don't know if it's the cleanest solution, but it works. This solution is interesting for those who don't use an AppBar like in my case.
The trick is as follows ...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor == Colors.white
? _lightStatusAndNavigationBar()
: _darkStatusAndNavigationBar();
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor,
The query is in the build of my class, in which I have the NavigationBar of my app. All other screens are connected there.
Using Theme.of (context) .scaffoldBackgroundColor, I ask which design should be used for the status and navigation bar.
These are the two functions for the different colors:
void _darkStatusAndNavigationBar() {
statusBarBrightness: Brightness.light,
statusBarColor: Colors.grey.shade900,
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.grey.shade900,
systemNavigationBarDividerColor: Colors.grey.shade900,
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
void _lightStatusAndNavigationBar() {
statusBarBrightness: Brightness.dark,
statusBarColor: Colors.white,
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.white,
systemNavigationBarDividerColor: Colors.white,
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
If something is still incomprehensible, just ask. :)