I am building a library of react components.
This text field works by passing a ref
with forwardRef
export const TextField = React.forwardRef((props:TextFieldProps, ref) => {
return (
<input ref={ref}....
However when I try the same with a select
export const SimpleSelect = React.forwardRef((props: SimpleSelectProps, ref: Ref<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
const options = props.options
return (
<select ref={ref} className="Select">
<option>-- Select an option --</option>
{options &&
options.map((option: OptionsType) => (
<option key={option.value} value={option.value}>
And then I use react-hook-form in my own app like this:
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{...register('thingId', { required: true })}
things &&
things.map(({ thing }: Thing) => ({
value: thing.uid,
label: thing.primaryName,
The selected option does not save, and I can see this as when I submit the form, it tries to submit "-- Select an option --" even after choosing an option.
You need to spread the props provided by RHF in the select
component to make your control works properly. Specifically, the select
needs a name
attribute so it can be identified and onChange
so RHF can listen to the option changed event:
<select ref={ref} className="Select" {...props}>