I am trying to upload a 500mb video on Strapi CMS. The software is using formidable to upload the files. When I try to upload a file that could be uploaded under 1 minute, there are no error and the file gets uploaded successfully. But if a file takes longer than a minute to upload I get ECONNRESET
error on postman and the following error on the server logs
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/var/cms/node_modules/formidable/lib/incoming_form.js:122:19)
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:314:20)
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: at abortIncoming (_http_server.js:535:9)
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: at socketOnClose (_http_server.js:528:3)
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: at Socket.emit (events.js:326:22)
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: at TCP.<anonymous> (net.js:673:12)
0|cms | 2021-10-04T06:28:03: [2021-10-04T06:28:03.363Z] debug POST /upload (60004 ms) 500
Use your own server and up the max duration and max size for http requests.