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Security is not added to Swagger from Open API generator

I am working on a new project in my team and we are implementing an API following the API first methodology. We are using openapi-generator-maven-plugin to generate our API from an yml file of format OpenAPI 3.0.3. To generate the swagger file we use springfox 2.9.2. The issue that I am facing is when I am trying to add security to the swagger for the requests.

          type: http
          scheme: bearer
          bearerFormat: JWT
      - bearerAuth: [ ]

The Authorize button doesn't appear in swagger page, only the lock near to the request appears but it doesn't do anything (see picture below).

What I observed is that if I open the /v2/api-docs the swagger json doesn't include the security definitions part.

The only way that I managed to add security is by adding by code in the Docket object the security part like so:

    new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

Is this the only way to add security to Swagger UI or am I missing something?

enter image description here


  • Reason: Bearer Auth isn't implemented in spring library yet :(

    Workaround solution - extend generated Docket:

    Import generated config class and then add a security schema (ApiKey) to the existing Docket bean. Example:

    @Import(OpenAPIDocumentationConfig.class) // openapi generated config class
    public class SwaggerConfiguration {
       ApplicationContext context;
       public void extendExistingDocketWithSecurity() {
          Docket docket = context.getBean(Docket.class);
       private static ApiKey bearer() {
          // where "bearerAuth" - name of your schema in YML spec. file
          return new ApiKey ("bearerAuth", HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "header");

    Done! You're awesome! Now you're using generated swagger config without overriding, but just extending