We have a CodePipeline process set up, and all stages work except the CodeDeploy stage.
Our pipeline stage is as follows:
These stages were set up and configured by CodeStar.
Our GenerateChangeSet stage tries to access s3 to get our BuildArtifact, but fails with the following error:
Action execution failed
Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 40P7HSHQGWXSRA72; S3 Extended Request ID: I6hiCC7xx+YmnQMLfUnMzZziLDz/5b8uJWzOqWNZwSiVRCS14Q6UyVfss6q80teO5MAGuR9Xft4=; Proxy: null)
This suggests that CloudFormation cannot access s3, but I've checked and rechecked the policy that it uses and it definitely has the correct permissions for accessing s3.
I'm not quite sure why this error is happening, given that the role policy does indeed have access to s3. I even went with the nuclear option of granting this role full control over s3 (with a view to reverting once I solved the issue), but to no avail, the error still occurs.
Has anyone encountered this before? Anyone know why it might be happening?
I discovered the issue. The CloudFormation template file (template.yml and template-configuration.yml) was reading the one from the repo, but that had been removed at some point prior, so I was getting access denied errors from that resource.
I wish the error message was more explicit, it would have saved hours.