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Fork a repo from one Azure DevOps Org to another Org using the API

Is it possible to fork a repo that exists in a Private Project of the SourceOrganization into another Project of DestOrganization using Azure DevOps API?


  • No this is not available.

    The question you linked to will allow you to create a one-time mirror of another repository, but you won't have any features like pull requests, diff/merge etc.

    You can perform an import request to create a clone in another organization, but it completely ignores the relationship between the repos and you can't perform any pull requests across the organisations.

    The code is two-step:

    1. Create a temporary endpoint using a PAT that has at least Code (Read) access on the source organisation.
                "password":"{{PAT WITH ENOUGH PERMISSIONS}}",
        "name":"{{RANDOM UNIQUE NAME}}",
        "url":"{{CLONE URL OF SOURCE REPO}}"

    which will respond with an endpoint ID:

    1. Then create the import:
    POST{{ORG}}/{{PROJECT}}/_apis/git/repositories/{{NEW REPO NAME}}/importRequests
              "url":"{{CLONE URL OF SOURCE REPO}}"
          "serviceEndpointId":"{{ID FROM PREVIOUS REQUEST}}"

    It also can't be used to sync sources between different organisations.

    You could cobble something together with a Azure Pipeline that pushes the changes from one org to another. Again, no "fork", but really just a sync.