I am writing a program that informs the user which animals will be awake and fed during their visit to the zoo, based on their inputs of day and time. I have a class, a function that reads a file with info including name, hours awake, at what time they'll be fed, and some other stuff that all works.
class Animal:
def __init__(self, name, sleep, diet, awake, feed, number):
self.name = name
self.sleep = sleep
self.diet = diet
self.awake = awake
self.feed = feed
self.number = number
def __repr__(self):
return self.name + " " + self.sleep + " " + self.diet + " " + str(self.awake) + " " + str(self.feed) + " " + str(self.number)
def readInfo():
infile = open("zoo.txt", "r", encoding="UTF-8")
animals = []
lines = infile.readlines()
for line in lines:
lineparts = line.split(" / ")
name = lineparts[0]
sleep = lineparts[1]
diet = lineparts[2]
awake = lineparts[3]
feed = lineparts[4]
number = lineparts[5]
animals.append(Animal(name, sleep, diet, awake, feed, number))
return animals
def Awake(x):
awakeanimals = x
print("\nYou can see ")
for object in awakeanimals:
def Feed(x):
matadjur = x
print("\nand you can feed: ")
for object in feedanimals:
Here is my code I'm struggling with:
def open():
animals = readInfo()
awake = list()
feed = list()
time = int(input("Enter a time interval, eg 07-16")).split("-")
if 9 <= time <= 20:
if 12 <= time <= 14:
if 21 >= time >= 05:
#same for the rest of the animals
if time <= 12 <= time:
if time <= 13 <= time:
#same for the rest of the animals
After that I have a simple menu which, based on the day the user inputs, calls the funciton open()
and goes on to the time part.
I don't know how to get the correct input in the if
Also, the time = input().split("-")
doesn't work due to ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10
, so I'm thinking of using two time inputs, time1 = input()
, and time2 = input()
. However, that seems more complicated to incorporate in the if
I am not exactly sure about the if logic you want. Assuming its the check between a range, here are the things
The split("-")
is failing because you are calling it on the intger value. split
can be applied only on strings. And the base 10 error occurs as 07-16
is not a valid number.
Here is an edited piece of code
def open():
animals = readInfo()
awake = list()
feed = list()
start_time, end_time = sorted(map(int, input("Enter a time interval, eg 07-16").split("-")))
# time will be a tuple like (7, 16). We are sorting so that min value is first always
if 9 <= start_time and end_time <= 20:
if 12 <= start_time and end_time <= 14:
if 21 >= start_time and end_time >= 05:
# same for the rest of the animals
if start_time <= 12 <= end_time:
if start_time <= 13 <= end_time:
# same for the rest of the animals
Which will work for the input issue and the comparisons mostly.