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How would I go about converting a .csv to an .arrow file without loading it all into memory?

I found a similar question here: Read CSV with PyArrow

In this answer it references sys.stdin.buffer and sys.stdout.buffer, but I am not exactly sure how that would be used to write the .arrow file, or name it. I can't seem to find the exact information I am looking for in the docs for pyarrow. My file will not have any nans, but it will have a timestamped index. The file is ~100 gb, so loading it into memory simply isn't an option. I tried changing the code, but as I assumed, the code ended up overwriting the previous file every loop.

***This is my first post. I would like to thank all the contributors who answered 99.9% of my other questions before I had even the asked them.

import sys

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa

SPLIT_ROWS = 1     ### used one line chunks for a small test

def main():
    writer = None
    for split in pd.read_csv(sys.stdin.buffer, chunksize=SPLIT_ROWS):

        table = pa.Table.from_pandas(split)
        # Write out to file
        with pa.OSFile('test.arrow', 'wb') as sink:     ### no append mode yet
            with pa.RecordBatchFileWriter(sink, table.schema) as writer:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Below is the code I used in the command line

>cat data.csv | python


  • As suggested by @Pace, you should consider moving the output file creation outside of the reading loop. Something like this:

    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import pyarrow as pa
    SPLIT_ROWS = 1     ### used one line chunks for a small test
    def main():
        # Write out to file
        with pa.OSFile('test.arrow', 'wb') as sink:     ### no append mode yet
            with pa.RecordBatchFileWriter(sink, table.schema) as writer:
                for split in pd.read_csv('data.csv', chunksize=SPLIT_ROWS):
                    table = pa.Table.from_pandas(split)
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    You also don't have to use sys.stdin.buffer if you would prefer to specify specific input and output files. You could then just run the script as:


    By using with statements, both writer and sink will be automatically closed afterwards (in this case when main() returns). This means it should not be necessary to include an explicit close() call.