I have two collections; ProductStemCollections, ProductStems.
public abstract class Document : IDocument
[BsonRepresentation( BsonType.String )]
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
[BsonCollection( "ProductStemCollections" )]
public class ProductStemCollection : Document
public string Name { get; set; }
[BsonRepresentation( BsonType.String )]
public List<ObjectId> ProductStems { get; set; } = new List<ObjectId>();
[BsonCollection( "ProductStems" )]
public class ProductStem : Document
public ObjectId PromotedProductId { get; set; }
public string ProductCode { get; set; }
I want to aggregate stems listed in a stem collection, like so:
var query = prodStemCollectionRepo.Collection
.Lookup( "ProductStems", "ProductStems", "_id", "stems" );
var strQuery = query.ToString();
var results = await query.ToListAsync();
This will produce query
db.ProductStemCollections.aggregate([{ "$lookup" : { "from" : "ProductStems", "localField" : "ProductStems", "foreignField" : "_id", "as" : "stems" } }])
If I run this query in the Cosmos db shell, I get the desired result:
"_id" : "61694434ba77dc8362d56858",
"Name" : "Sweden",
"ProductStems" : [
"stems" : [
"_id" : "61694434ba77dc8362d56859",
"PromotedProductId" : "61694434ba77dc8362d5685a",
"ProductCode" : "P1"
However, running the C# code above does not produce the same result, even though the query is the same array "stems" is missing:
"_id": "61694434ba77dc8362d56858",
"Name": "Sweden",
"ProductStems": [
What am I missing?
Ok, so I ended up moving to Mongo Db Atlas. Created a aggregate class that holds a stem collection with its stems:
public class AggregatedStemCollection : Document
public string? Name { get; set; }
public List<ObjectId> ProductStems { get; set; } = new List<ObjectId>();
public List<ProductStem> Stems { get; set; } = new List<ProductStem>();
And modified the lind query:
var query = prodStemCollectionRepo.Collection
.Match( c => c.Name == "Sweden" )
foreignCollection: productStemRepo.Collection,
localField: x => x.ProductStems,
foreignField: y => y.Id,
@as: ( AggregatedStemCollection asc ) => asc.Stems );
var results = query.ToList();