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Make cmd / powershell / windows use a separate tesseract installation instead of the one from chocolatey

Some years ago I installed tesseract with chocolatey and forgot about it.

Now I have the problem that when I type a tesseract command in cmd it uses this tesseract instead of an new one I install separateley.

The problem with the one that was installed with chocolatey is that it's outdated and I cant update or uninstall it.

choco uninstall tesseract

leads to:

Chocolatey detected you are not running from an elevated command shell

and then it asks if I want to continue and when I proceed then:

tesseract is not installed. Cannot uninstall a non-existent package.

but I know that it's at least linked somehow with the tesseract cmd commands even if it's not installed.

How can I make windows / cmd / powershell use the separate tesseract installation instead of the one of chocolatey?

This is what I want to know anyway and I would also like to know how to uninstall tesseract from chocolatey but this isn't necessary to get an answer accepted


  • Ok I know what the problem was.

    I listed all the packages that were installed with chocolatey.

    tesseract was not listed, but image2text (or something like that, I don't remember what exactly) and then I remembered that this was what I was using for ocr. I uninstalled it and tesseract also disappeared from cmd. So it looks like image2text also installed tesseract and infested all tesseract commands