I am struggling to find the necessary vlc command line arguments and vlm file setting for the following problem:
VLC documentation is too poor.
Put vlc folder in the PATH (Not necessary but saves some lines of code.)
Open a Windows Command Line as "ADMISTRATOR" (right click and select) give this in command prompt:
vlc -I dummy --vlm-conf=mosaic3.vlm -vv --sub-filter=mosaic --mosaic-alpha=255 --mosaic-width=960 --mosaic-height=540 --mosaic-xoffset=0 --mosaic-yoffset=0 --mosaic-keep-picture --bluescreen-u=120 --bluescreen-v=90 --bluescreen-vt=17 --bluescreen-ut=17 --file-logging --logfile=".\log.txt" --logmode=text
where mosaic3.vlm is a file as follows
new channel1 broadcast enabled
setup channel1 input myvideo.mp4
setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{height=540,width=960,chroma=YUVA,vfilter=bluescreen},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=11},select=audio,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:display
new mosaic broadcast enabled
setup mosaic input "back.jpg"
setup mosaic option image-duration=-1
setup mosaic output #transcode{sfilter=mosaic{height=540,width=960,cols=1,rows=1,keep-aspect-ratio=enabled,keep-picture=1},vcodec=h264,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:bridge-in:std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=myoutput.mp4}
control channel1 play
control mosaic play
Your result will be saved at myoutput.mp4
My video is 960 x 540 , replace with your own dimensions
Chroma key bluescreen-u=120 --bluescreen-v=90 corresponds to blue color
If you have a green, the try : bluescreen-u=60 --bluescreen-v=45
See here for other colors: https://www.mikekohn.net/file_formats/yuv_rgb_converter.php