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Oracle 12C - %TYPE in JSON_TABLE column doesn't work

I'm trying to save a JSON array as database rows:

   INSERT INTO log (
      WITH t ( log ) AS (
            JSON_QUERY('[{"uuid": "20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "date": "2021-10-17", "msg":"aaaa", "level": "debug" },
                     {"uuid": "20000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "date": "2021-10-17", "msg":"bbbb", "level": "debug" }]'
            , '$')
         CROSS JOIN
            JSON_TABLE ( log, '$'
               COLUMNS (
                  NESTED PATH '$[*]'
                     COLUMNS (
                        "uuid" VARCHAR2 ( 36 ) PATH '$.uuid',
                        "date" DATE PATH '$.date',
                        "msg" VARCHAR2 ( 1024 ) PATH '$.msg',
                        "level" VARCHAR2 ( 5 ) PATH '$.level'

When I try to use the %type:

                  NESTED PATH '$[*]'
                     COLUMNS (
                        "uuid" VARCHAR2 ( 36 ) PATH '$.uuid',
                        "date" PATH '$.date',
                        "msg" VARCHAR2 ( 1024 ) PATH '$.msg',
                        "level" VARCHAR2 ( 5 ) PATH '$.level'

I get an error:

SQL Error: ORA-40484: invalid data type for JSON_TABLE column
40484. 00000 -  "invalid data type for JSON_TABLE column"
*Cause:    A column in the provided JSON_TABLE had an unsupported data type.
*Action:   Provide a supported data type.

Even though the type in the column is also date.

Also the type char(36) doesn't work, so I have to use VARCHAR2(36).

Is it possible to use %type in this case?


  • The JSON_TABLE documentation gives the syntax for the JSON query column clause:

    Syntax diagram for JSON_TABLE column clause

    Following the link to the JSON_value_return_type documentation tells you the allowable data types:

    Syntax diagram for JSON data type

    Given this, no, you cannot use %TYPE or CHAR as the JSON_TABLE syntax does not allow it.