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TypeORM does not make further query for nested object

I'm currently using PostgresQL with typeORM, as well as Typegraphql. With the ManyToOne (User has many orderItems) relationship, somehow I cannot query for the nested object relation. I set the logging: true and saw that there is no SELECT query for the User entity. However, I think the query should be automatically generated giving the relation I defined in the Entity according to TypeORM.

In CartItem.ts Entity

export class CartItem extends BaseEntity {
  id!: number;

  userId: string;

  @Field(() => User, { nullable: true })
  @ManyToOne((type) => User, (user) => user.cartItems)
  user: User;

In User.ts Entity

export class User extends BaseEntity {
  id!: string;

  @OneToMany((type) => CartItem, (cartItem) => cartItem.user)
  cartItems: CartItem[];

In cartItem.ts Resolver

  @Mutation(() => CartItem)
  async createCartItem(
    @Arg("input") input: CartItemInput,
    @Ctx() { req }: MyContext
  ): Promise<CartItem> {
    const newCart = await CartItem.create({
      quantity: input.quantity,
      userId: req.session.userId,
      mealkitId: input.mealkitId,

    return newCart;

With the following graphql Query, user would return null even though I'm supposed to get the username of the user

query cartItems{
  cartItems {

Here is the response I received

  "data": {
    "cartItems": [
        "id": 2,
        "quantity": 2,
        "userId": "5619ffb2-6ce2-42cf-bd5c-042f2685a045",
        "user": null
        "id": 1,
        "quantity": 10,
        "userId": "5619ffb2-6ce2-42cf-bd5c-042f2685a045",
        "user": null


  • I just ran into this myself and in my query resolver I had to leftJoinAndSelect all of the sub-objects to get it to work. You aren't showing your query resolver, but something like

    async cartItems(): Promise<CartItem[]> {
        return await getConnection()
            .createQueryBuilder(CartItem, 'cartItem')
            .leftJoinAndSelect('cartItem.user', 'user', 'cartItem.userId =')