The error occurred when I updated OpenCV from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2. Description: I am trying to make an AR mouse(the camera would detect your finger, which would then act as a mouse). To right-click you have to put your middle and pointer finger together. But when doing that I get an error:, (lineInfo[4], lineInfo[5]),
TypeErro: only integer scaler arrays can be converted to a scaler index
Error occurs in this part:
if fingers[1] == 1 and fingers[2] == 1:
# 9. Find distance between fingers
length, img, lineInfo = detector.findDistance(lmList[8], lmList[12], img)
# 10. Click mouse if distance short
if length < 40:, (lineInfo[4], lineInfo[5]), 15, (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED)
If you remove the, (lineInfo[4], lineInfo[5]), 15, (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED)
the code would work. It does cause a lag with the circle but the code works. Does this suit your needs?