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NetNamedPipeBinding: parameter in pipe method is empty

I have a ServiceHost listening on a NetNamedPipeBinding endpoint. I have a service contract class with a single method which is being called by the client and handled by the server. The method (We'll call it PipeRequest()) has a Request parameter. On the client side I populate this object but it's empty by the time it gets sent over to the server. Any ideas why this would be the case?

_Host = new ServiceHost(typeof(PipeService), new Uri(ServiceRequestRouter.URI));
    new NetNamedPipeBinding(),

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
interface IPipeService
    void PipeRequest(ServiceRequestBase request);

public abstract class ServiceRequestBase

    public void Dispatch(string pPipeName = ServiceRequestRouter.DefaultPipeName)
        EndpointAddress epa = new EndpointAddress(_address_));
        IPipeService proxy = ChannelFactory<IPipeService>.CreateChannel(new NetNamedPipeBinding(), epa);


  • It turns out I had to specify (as part of the data contract) any derived classes from ServiceRequestBase class.

    [KnownType(typeof(CitrixInfoServiceRequest))]   // added this line
    [KnownType(typeof(RegStateServiceRequest))] // added this line
    public abstract class ServiceRequestBase
        // ...