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Open Api code generator maven plug in tag details

Below is my open api code gen maven plug in


What is the difference between configuration and configOption tags. And which options to place inside whic tags?


  • The <configuration> elements aims to provide configuration for your plugin i.e. the org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin:x.y.z in your case. The <configuration> element is a standard plugin tag that aims to encapsulate a plugin configuration as a whole. It is a general element that can host any sub-elements of any shape and is common to all plugins.

    The <configOptions> on the other hand is a plugin, i.e. org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin:x.y.z, specific element that declares configuration properties specific to the plugin it self. This is a non-standard tag and has to be mapped to a particular field in the plugin type. Here you can see the mapping:

    public class CodeGenMojo extends AbstractMojo {
        // other properties
         * A map of language-specific parameters as passed with the -c option to the command line
        @Parameter(name = "configOptions")
        private Map<?, ?> configOptions;
        // ...