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gradle can not resolve room version 2.3.0

i have just changed the room library's version and gradle can not resolve it.

this is my repositories :

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

and build.gradle:

implementation ""
kapt  ""
implementation ""

here's build log:

Failed to resolve: room-runtime-2.3.0
Failed to resolve: sqlite-framework-2.1.0
Failed to resolve: room-common-2.3.0
Failed to resolve: annotation-experimental-1.1.0
Failed to resolve: room-ktx-2.3.0
Failed to resolve: sqlite-2.1.0

How can I solve this problem? thanks in advance


  • There was no problem with room, it was because of Android Studio's cache. To solve the problem I deleted these 2 directories:

    1. Build directory located in project's root directory
    2. Build directory located in app directory