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How to find Distinct No of Document on specific field MongoDB and Implement in Java

I have data and need to group by two fields and in response display unique filed along with the count on this field.

Sample data:

      "cat_id": "A"
      "cat_id": "B"
      "cat_id": "C"

Expected Output:

      "cat_count": 2
      "cat_count": 1

and how to implement it in Java with Aggregation Object.

GroupOperation groupOperation ="categoryCode", "categoryName").sum(1).as("cat_count"); 

but getting compile error:

1 is not taken inside sum method


    1. $group - Group by categoryCode and categoryName. And add aggregate field cat_count for $sum when match with group.
    2. $project - Display document for desired output field.
        $group: {
          _id: {
            "categoryCode": "$categoryCode",
            "categoryName": "$categoryName"
          "cat_count": {
            $sum: 1
        $project: {
          "_id": 0,
          "categoryCode": "$_id.categoryCode",
          "categoryName": "$_id.categoryName",
          "cat_count": "$cat_count"

    Sample Mongo Playground