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How to detect motion events on a compose button?

I am trying to create an icon button which invokes a lambda when tapped, but if the user presses the button and holds it, then also the lambda should get continuously invoked in fixed intervals.

fun MyIconButton(
    someLambda: () -> Unit
) {
    IconButton(onClick = someLambda) {
            // painter and content description

Here what I want is that when user presses the button, someLambda should get invoked (which is working fine). Additionally, I also want to invoke someLambda repeatedly (with a gap of 500ms between two invocations) until the user releases the button.

Basically what I want is to detect something like the KeyUp and KeyDown events.

How to achieve this?


  • I solved the problem using this Modifier.pointerInput on my Icon.

    Modifier.pointerInput(true) {
        detectTapGestures(onPress = {
            coroutineScope {
                val job = launch {
                    while (true) {
                        // Invoke lambda

    As per the documentation,

    onPress is called when the press is detected and PressGestureScope.tryAwaitRelease can be used to detect when pointers have released or the gesture was canceled.