I'm trying to create a Fyne vertical box with a series of buttons but can't figure out the basic mechanism. I think this is a Go question, not a Fyne question, something I don't understand about go.
Here is a minimal program to show what I mean:
package main
import (
func main() {
a := app.New()
w := a.NewWindow("Button List")
btn0 := widget.NewButton("button 0", func() {
fmt.Println("Pressed 0")
btn1 := widget.NewButton("button 1", func() {
fmt.Println("Pressed 1")
btns := []*widget.Button{btn0, btn1}
vbox := container.NewVBox(
// does work
// doesn't work
// btns...,
My understanding is that the argument btns...
should produce the same effect as the list of arguments btn[0], btn[1]
, but it apparently doesn't. If I comment out the lines
and uncomment the line
I get the error message
cannot use btns (type []*"fyne.io/fyne/v2/widget".Button) as type []fyne.CanvasObject in argument to container.NewVBox
So, my newbie questions:
instead?To do what you're wanting to do here you need to modify the slice of *widget.Button
to be a slice of fyne.CanvasObject.
When spreading into a variadic parameter like this, the types have to match exactly to what the variadic parameter is expecting. This means the type needs to be the interface itself and not a type that implements the interface.
In your case, the following will work:
btns := []fyne.CanvasObject{btn0, btn1}
vbox := container.NewVBox(btns...)