I made a entry for rename the file. When I click the file, the entry widget is open and I want I can destroy the widget when I click outside the entry widget, and if I click inside the widget, it should be not destroyed. The code is like below.
self.root.bind("<Button-1>", self.rename_cancel)
def rename_cancel(self, event):
if self.rename_act_mpf == 1:
self.rename_act_mpf = 0
if self.rename_act_db == 1:
self.rename_act_db = 0
in this code, when I click somewhere, the entry widget is destroyed even I click the inside of the widget. How can I make the exception for this?
will tell you which widget was clicked on. You can compare that to your entry widget, and call destroy
if the click wasn't on the entry widget.