In my key pressed section, I'm not too sure what I need to do in order for the square to move up and down. It is currently very slow. I also am trying to figure out how Mini square would be shot from the big square;
boolean updown = false;
int squareX = 20;
int squareY = 20;
int speed = 30;
int circleX = 150;
void setup () {
size (700,700);
void draw () {
background (0);
ellipse (circleX,140,150,150);
circleX -=2;
if (circleX < - 20) {
circleX = 550;
fill (225);
rect (squareX, squareY, 70, 70);
if (updown) squareY = squareY + speed;
if (squareY>width || squareY <0) {
Currently you're directly incrementing squareY
by 1 pixel.
Ideally you'd simply control velocity by setting it to a value > 0 when you want to move the square or reset it back to 0 when you want the movement to stop.
There are a couple of other things that could make this nicer, such as:
Here's a modified version of your sketch with the above notes as well as naming variables in way the keeps related elements grouped:
int squarePositionX = 20;
int squarePositionY = 20;
int squareVelocityY = 0;
int squareLastGoodY = squarePositionY;
int squareSize = 70;
int squareSpeed = 9;
int circleX = 150;
void setup () {
size (700, 700);
void draw () {
// handle keys
if(key == 'w'){
squareVelocityY = -squareSpeed;
if(key == 's'){
squareVelocityY = squareSpeed;
// reset velocity (stop square from moving)
squareVelocityY = 0;
// update big square position based on velocity
squarePositionY += squareVelocityY;
// check if square is still on screen (reset velocity if it's not otherwise keep track of it's last
if (squarePositionY >= width - squareSize || squarePositionY <= 0) {
// flip Y velocity
squareVelocityY *= -1;
// reset to last good known Y position
squarePositionY = squareLastGoodY;
squareLastGoodY = squarePositionY;
// clear screen
background (0);
// render big square
fill (225);
rect (squarePositionX, squarePositionY, squareSize, squareSize);
// render circle
ellipse (circleX, 140, 150, 150);
// update circle position
circleX -= 2;
if (circleX < - 20) {
circleX = 550;
Hopefully the comments help explain in more detail what's going on.
Regarding shooting mini squares you'd need to keep track of the positions of each mini square. You could use an array and append()
to expand it as new bullets are shot, or just go for an array type with dynamic size such as ArrayList
or IntList
. To keep the list efficient and not flood it with bullets that are outside of the screen area you could do a similar test to the large square to check when the small squares are offscreen remove from the list. The last thing left to do is simply rendering the small squares as long as long as they are visible.
Here's a commented sketch to illustrate the idea:
int squareSize = 70;
int squarePositionX = squareSize;
int squarePositionY = squareSize;
int squareVelocityY = 0;
int squareLastGoodY = squarePositionY;
int squareSpeed = 3;
int circleX = 150;
// store positions for
IntList miniSquarePositionsX = new IntList();
IntList miniSquarePositionsY = new IntList();
int miniSquareSpeed = 9;
int miniSquareSize = 35;
void setup () {
size (700, 700);
void draw () {
// handle keys
if(key == 'w' && key != ' '){
squareVelocityY = -squareSpeed;
if(key == 's' && key != ' '){
squareVelocityY = squareSpeed;
// reset velocity (stop square from moving)
squareVelocityY = 0;
// update big square position based on velocity
squarePositionY += squareVelocityY;
// check if square is still on screen (reset velocity if it's not otherwise keep track of it's last
if (squarePositionY >= width - (squareSize * 0.5) || squarePositionY <= (squareSize * 0.5)) {
// flip Y velocity
squareVelocityY *= -1;
// reset to last good known Y position
squarePositionY = squareLastGoodY;
squareLastGoodY = squarePositionY;
// update mini squares: assumes the size of both x and y lists match
for(int i = 0 ; i < miniSquarePositionsX.size(); i++){
// update X position
miniSquarePositionsX.set(i, miniSquarePositionsX.get(i) + miniSquareSpeed);
// remove element if it's outside the screen
if(miniSquarePositionsX.get(i) > width){
// clear screen
background (0);
// render circle
ellipse (circleX, 140, 150, 150);
// render big square
fill (225);
rect (squarePositionX, squarePositionY, squareSize, squareSize);
// update circle position
circleX -= 2;
if (circleX < - 20) {
circleX = 550;
// render mini squares: assumes the size of both x and y lists match
for(int i = 0 ; i < miniSquarePositionsX.size(); i++){
rect(miniSquarePositionsX.get(i), miniSquarePositionsY.get(i), miniSquareSize, miniSquareSize);
void keyReleased(){
// SPACE key shoot
if(key == ' '){
// add position entries for a mini square
If you're familiar with Object Oriented Programming (OOP) basics the above can be nicely encapsulated using a couple of classes (such as a Square class for the "ship" and a MiniSquare
class for the "bullets"). Have fun!