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Unable to read client's message using AnyEvent::Socket and tcp_connect (to a UNIX domain socket)

Running the following server and client scripts:

Server (updated):


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say' ;
use AnyEvent ;
use AnyEvent::Socket ;
use AnyEvent::Handle ;

tcp_server 'unix/', '/tmp/.mysocket', sub {
    my ( $fh, @args ) = @_ ;
    say "Received request" ;
    my $hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new( fh => $fh ) ; 
        line =>  sub {
            my ( $hdl, $line ) = @_ ;
            say "Received $line" ;
    ) ;
}, sub {
    my ( $fh, @sock ) = @_ ;
    say "Bound to @sock" ;
} ;

AnyEvent->condvar->recv ;

exit ;  

Client (updated):


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say' ;
use AnyEvent ;
use AnyEvent::Socket ;
use AnyEvent::Handle ;

my $done = AnyEvent->condvar ;
tcp_connect "unix/", "/tmp/.mysocket", sub {
    my ( $fh ) = @_ or die "unable to connect: $!" ;
    say "Connected" ;
    my $hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new( fh => $fh ) ;
    $hdl->push_write( "Hello world!\n" ) ;
    $done->send ;
}  ;

$done->recv ;
say $! ;

exit ;

the server receives and accepts the connection request but the client gets an "Illegal seek" error, skips the callback defined in tcp_connect and exits without sending the "Hello world" message to the server.

What am I doing wrong?


Ok.. I figured out that due to the async nature of the AnyEvent module the client gets the "Illegal seek" because the script ends. Adding a condvar variable I solved that (non)problem, but the server still doesn't receives the message sent by client.


  • I am not sure what causes the "illegal seek error" yet, but I found something that at least works for now. The client needs to use a condition variable in the connection callback:

    my $client_done = AnyEvent->condvar;
    tcp_connect "unix/", "/tmp/.mysocket", sub {
        my ( $fh ) = @_ or die "unable to connect: $!" ;
        say "Connected" ;
        my $hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new( fh => $fh ) ;
        $hdl->push_write( "Hello world!\n" ) ;
    say "Done";

    In addition, the server should not use a on_read callback but instead use push_read() method:

    my $server_done = AnyEvent->condvar;
    tcp_server 'unix/', '/tmp/.mysocket', sub {
        my ( $fh, @args ) = @_ ;
        say "Received request" ;
        my $hdl ;
        $hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
            fh      => $fh,
            on_eof   => sub {
                say "server_eof";
                undef $hdl;
        $hdl->push_read (
            line => sub {
                say "server got line <$_[1]>";
    }, sub {
        my ( $fh, @sock ) = @_ ;
        say "Bound to @sock" ;
    say "Waiting for server done..";