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Is there any way to import from root in native es module? (nodejs 16)

This is our project structure:

- project
-     a.js
-     b.js

In a.js I want to import b.js file using root path in the way like this:

import c from '~/b.js';

but not using relative path like this:

import c from '../b.js';

We are using native esmodule, not Babel or Webpack or something, so is there any way?


  • This is a pretty unusual requirement. Still, node.js does support this

    • through self-referencing a package using its name, so if your project has a package.json with the name my-project, then you can do

      import c from 'my-project/b.js';

      from anywhere within your project, not using relative imports

    • through subpath imports, so if you declare a

      "imports": {
          "#b": "./b.js"

      in your package.json then you can do

      import c from '#b';

    This also works in ES modules, see the ESM resolution algorithm (specifically PACKAGE_IMPORTS_RESOLVE). Of course, it does not work without a package.json, as without a package there is no such thing as a "root path" for your project.