I'm using html2canvas to take a screenshot of table.
(code example found here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-take-screenshot-of-a-div-using-javascript/)
It's working fine, but instead of appending my document with the screenshot, I'd like to write it as new background-image into the table (It's actually a drawing thingy, where I try to save previous work as template or layer to add next...)
I'd be very happy for any hint. This is the code:
<div id="photo">
<!-- Rendering GRID -->
<table id="pixel_canvas"></table>
<button onclick="takeshot()">
Take Screenshot
<div id="output" </div>
and js
function takeshot()
let div = document.getElementById("photo");
html2canvas(div).then(function (pixel_canvas)
and I want to write "output" as bg-image into <pixel_canvas>
html2canvas obviously returns a canvas, you have to convert it to image and set it the background-image
function takeshot()
let div = document.getElementById("photo");
html2canvas(div).then(function (pixel_canvas) {
let pixel_canvas_element =
pixel_canvas_element.style.background = `url(${pixel_canvas..toDataURL()})`;