I am reading Section 4.2 in Simulation (2006, 4ed., Elsevier)
by Sheldon M. Ross, which introducing generating a Poisson random variable by the inverse transform method.
Denote pi =P(X=xi)=e^{-λ} λ^i/i!, i=0,1,...
and F(i)=P(X<=i)=Σ_{k=0}^i pi
to be the PDF and CDF for Poisson, respectively, which can be computed via dpois(x,lambda)
and ppois(x,lambda)
in R.
There are two inverse transform algorithms for Poisson: the regular version and the improved one.
The steps for the regular version are as follows:
from U(0,1)
and F=F(0)=p0=e^{-λ}
, select X=i
and terminate.U >= F
, obtain i=i+1, F=F+pi
and return to the previous step.I write and test the above steps as follows:
### write the regular R code
pois_inv_trans_regular = function(n, lambda){
X = rep(0, n) # generate n samples
for(m in 1:n){
U = runif(1)
i = 0; F = exp(-lambda) # initialize
while(U >= F){
i = i+1; F = F + dpois(i,lambda) # F=F+pi
X[m] = i
### test the code (for small λ, e.g. λ=3)
set.seed(0); X = pois_inv_trans_regular(n=10000,lambda=3); c(mean(X),var(X))
# [1] 3.005000 3.044079
Note that the mean and variance for Poisson(λ)
are both λ
, so the writing and testing for the regular code are making sense!
Next I tried the improved one, which is designed for large λ
and described according to the book as follows:
The regular algorithm will need to make 1+λ
searches, i.e. O(λ)
computing complexity, which is fine when λ
is small, while it can be greatly improved upon when λ
is large.
Indeed, since a Poisson random variable with mean λ
is most likely to take on one of the two integral values closest to λ
, a more efficient algorithm would first check one of these values, rather than starting at 0 and working upward. For instance, let I=Int(λ)
and recursively determine F(I)
Now generate a Poisson random variable X
with mean λ
by generating a random number U
, noting whether or not X <= I
by seeing whether or not U <= F(I)
. Then search downward starting from I
in the case where X <= I
and upward starting from I+1
It is said that the improved algorithm only need 1+0.798√λ
searches, i.e., having O(√λ)
I tried to wirte the R code for the improved one as follows:
### write the improved R code
pois_inv_trans_improved = function(n, lambda){
X = rep(0, n) # generate n samples
p = function(x) {dpois(x,lambda)} # PDF: p(x) = P(X=x) = λ^x exp(-λ)/x!
F = function(x) {ppois(x,lambda)} # CDF: F(x) = P(X ≤ x)
I = floor(lambda) # I=Int(λ)
F1 = F(I); F2 = F(I+1) # two close values
for(k in 1:n){
U = runif(1)
i = I
if ( F1 < U & U <= F2 ) {
i = I+1
while (U <= F1){ # search downward
i = i-1; F1 = F1 - p(i)
while (U > F2){ # search upward
i = i+1; F2 = F2 + p(i)
X[k] = i
### test the code (for large λ, e.g. λ=100)
set.seed(0); X = pois_inv_trans_improved(n=10000,lambda=100); c(mean(X),var(X))
# [1] 100.99900000 0.02180118
From the simulation results [1] 100.99900000 0.02180118
for c(mean(X),var(X))
, which shows nonsense for the variance part. What should I remedy this issue?
The main problem was that F1 and F2 were modified within the loop and not reset, so eventually a very wide range of U's are considered to be in the middle.
The second problem was on the search downward the p(i) used should be the original i, because F(x) = P(X <= x). Without this, the code hangs for low U.
The easiest fix for this is to start i = I + 1. Then "in the middle" if statement isn't needed.
pois_inv_trans_improved = function(n, lambda){
X = rep(0, n) # generate n samples
p = function(x) {dpois(x,lambda)} # PDF: p(x) = P(X=x) = λ^x exp(-λ)/x!
`F` = function(x) {ppois(x,lambda)} # CDF: F(x) = P(X ≤ x)
I = floor(lambda) # I=Int(λ)
F1 = F(I); F2 = F(I+1) # two close values
for(k in 1:n){
U = runif(1)
i = I + 1
# if ( F1 < U & U <= F2 ) {
# i = I + 1
# }
F1tmp = F1
while (U <= F1tmp){ # search downward
i = i-1; F1tmp = F1tmp - p(i);
F2tmp = F2
while (U > F2tmp){ # search upward
i = i+1; F2tmp = F2tmp + p(i)
X[k] = i
This gives:
[1] 100.0056 102.2380