I'm creating a project using Laravel 8 and Livewire. I have created an admin panel using Livewire which I list in there the clients and their products. Now I want to create a child component connected with the admin component by clicking a button(ex. See Info btn). So that means I have to pass a ID of the client bc every client has different ID. And by clicking the client I want to open a new page which shows the information of the client.
Could you suggest me a tutorial or a way how to do this?
You can pass data into a component by passing additional parameters into the <livewire: tag.
Step 1: Passing Parameters
For example, let's say we have a child-client component. Here's how you would pass in a $client_id.
<livewire:child-client :client_id="$client_id">
Alternatively, this is how you can pass in parameters using the Blade directive.
@livewire('child-client', ['client_id' => $client_id])
Step 2: Receiving Parameters
class ShowPost extends Component
public $client_id;
public function mount($client_id)
$this->client_id= $client_id;
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