The Goal: In macOS Photos App, highlight/select a bulk of photos, iterate each one. AppleScript will tell Photos to quickview the photo, ask what 'Album(s)' to add the photo to, then it will ask for a title and caption.
I'm doing this because the 'Info' panel that provides this function doesn't allow for rapid entry, and it's pretty small to work with.
So I suppose I need a couple things:
I'm not sure if it's just me, but the AppleScript scripting on Photos is just not something I can wrap my head around very well.
Here's what I have so far, but I was hoping you can help.
tell application "Photos"
--Find All Albums
set thefullList to the name of every album of every folder
-- Need:Figure out how to strip Smart Albums out of this query
-- Set comma as the delim to separate the folders/albums
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set thefullList to every item of thefullList
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
-- Test the output (fails to delim, and won't display the string)
display dialog thefullList
-- Clean list of Albums
set albumNames to {thefullList}
-- Get the selected photos from Photos
set theSelection to (get selection)
-- Iterate through each photo
repeat with i in theSelection
-- Tell Photos to 'quick look'
-- Need:(no idea how to make that work yet)
-- Ask the user to choose the Album(s) this photo should go into
set theAlbumChoice to choose from list albumNames with prompt "Where should this photo go?"
-- Tell the Album that this photo is now added
set theAlbum to theAlbumChoice
add i to theAlbum
-- Ask for Title and Caption
display dialog "What's the Title of this Photo?"
set theTitle to text returned of result
display dialog "What's the Caption of this Photo?"
set theCaption to text returned of result
-- Get the Photo ID for adding MetaData
set selectionID to id of item i of theSelection
-- Set the Title and caption
set name of media item id selectionID to theTitle
set description of media item id selectionID to theCaption
end repeat
end tell
property albumNames : {}
property albumIDs : {}
tell application "Photos"
my getAlbumNames(it) -- get all album names and IDs (recursively)
repeat with aPhoto in (get selection) -- process each selected photo
try -- Get the Photo ID
set selectionID to id of aPhoto
on error errorMessage
set ATID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\""
set selectionID to text item 2 of errorMessage
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ATID
end try
spotlight media item id selectionID -- Tell Photos to 'quick look'
-- Ask the user to choose the Album(s) this photo should go into
set theAlbumChoice to choose from list albumNames with prompt "Where should this photo go?"
if theAlbumChoice is false then return
-- Find destination folder's ID and add photo to it
repeat with k from 1 to count albumNames
if (item 1 of theAlbumChoice) is (item k of albumNames) then
set theAlbumID to item k of albumIDs
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
add {media item id selectionID} to album id theAlbumID
-- Ask for Title and Caption, and set them
display dialog "What's the Title of this Photo?" default answer ""
set theTitle to text returned of result
display dialog "What's the Caption of this Photo?" default answer ""
set theCaption to text returned of result
set name of media item id selectionID to theTitle
set description of media item id selectionID to theCaption
end repeat
end tell
on getAlbumNames(aFolder) -- recursive handler
tell application "Photos"
set albumNames to albumNames & name of albums of aFolder
set albumIDs to albumIDs & id of albums of aFolder
repeat with subFolder in (get folders of aFolder)
my getAlbumNames(subFolder)
end repeat
end tell
end getAlbumNames