Search code examples

When a key is pressed, the event occurs twice

When I press a key using keyEvent, then I call the function, it is below.

const GeneratedKey: FC<IGenerated> = (props) => {

    const [keyBoard, setKeyBoard] = useState("")
    const [arrayMovie, setArrayMovie] = useState<string[]>([])
    const idPage = props.idpage
    const nameMovie = data.results[idPage].title
    const [idLetter, setIdLetter] = useState<number>(0)
    const [indexArray, setIndexArray] = useState<number[]>([])
    const arrayNameMovie = nameMovie.split(" ").join("").split("");
    const getKey = (e: any) => {
        const key = e.key
        let count = 0
        for (let i = 65; i <= 90; i++) {
            if (key.toUpperCase() == String.fromCharCode(i)) {
                count = 1
            } else if (key.toLowerCase() == "backspace") {
                count = 10
        if (count == 1) {
            indexArray.sort(function (a: any, b: any) {
                return a - b;
            arrayMovie.splice(indexArray[idLetter], 1, key)
            setIdLetter(idLetter + 1)
        } else if (count == 10) {
            if (idLetter >= 1) {
                setIdLetter(idLetter - 1)
                arrayMovie.splice(indexArray[idLetter], 1, "")
        document.removeEventListener("keydown", getKey);

    useEffect(() => {
        for (let i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
            const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * arrayNameMovie.length)
            arrayNameMovie.splice(randomIndex, 1, " ")
    }, [])

    document.addEventListener("keydown", getKey)

    return (
        <div className="down__word">
            { any) =>
                <LettersView letters={letter} props={undefined} />

In fact, it should be called once, but it fires twice, as you can see from console.log(); How can I fix this, I can also show other files with code, but this is unlikely to help


  • This is due to your component may get rendered twice (due to change of props or any external reason). Moreover I think this is not the correct way to handle the event listener in FC. You should consider the useEffect for registration / un-registration of event listener.

    useEffect(() => {
      const handler = () => {};
      document.addEventListener('keydown', handler);
      return () => {
        document.removeEventListener('keydown', handler);
    }, [deps]); // if you have any changing dependency else just remove the array to execute the UseEffect everytime.

    This will ensure that you have registered the event only once in your code.
