I want to create a pie chart using JPgraph. in a php file i've two arrays as a result of some process. using JPgraph, i want to plot these 2 arrays in a pie chart. one array consist of the percentage value and the other consist of the value name.
i can't plot the arrays into chart in the same php file(i wrote chart code in the same php file as the process).
my scenario is like this: first page is the chart, there will be hyperlink to open dialog which contained with arrays results in table. How would i do this while i can't write chart code in the same php file as the process code that generates arrays?
Wow, i hope i made my question clear. Thank you very much :)
Either pass the data in the URL via an IMG tag, or pass a reference to where the script can find the data in the URL (e.g. dump it in a temp file and pass the path)