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SAS Standard Macros

The following variables seem to be a standard macro in multiple SAS Code that I come across. Can someone explain the following please?



  • No, those are not "standard" macro variables. There are automatic macro variables, which you can view with

    %put _automatic_;

    And some other system-generated macro variables are sometimes just stored as regular global macro variables, which you can view with:

    %put _global_;


    %put _all_;

    Which will print all currently defined macro variables - run it at startup and you'll see just the ones SAS defines.

    What you show there are macro variables that perhaps are standard for your company, but don't have any standard meaning. I would posit that &dsin is an input dataset to a macro, and &dsout is an output dataset, and the other two are year/month stamped variables, but they don't have any official, standard definition, nor would I say those are particularly commonly seen.