I would like to produce an extra view file, inside the model's template folder when I bake a controller. I've copied (unchanged yet) ControllerTask.php
into plugins/WetKit/src/Shell/Task
in my plugin.
For instance, for the model Entries, I would like a new file to appear during baking: src/Templates/Entries/my_custom_file.ctp
However, when I run cake bake controller entries -t WetKit
, I get:
$ bin/cake bake controller entries -t WetKit
PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Bake\Shell\Task\ControllerTask, because the name is already in use in C:\Users\me\Downloads\xampp3\xampp\htdocs\twofk\plugins\WetKit\src\Shell\Task\ControllerTask.php on line 28
What is the best way to accomplish this?
Edit 1: Would this be a namespace issue?
Edit 2:
Edits made to the WetKitControllerTask.php
, kept as-is, but added "Yo!" in the output of the sprintf
namespace Wetkit\Bake\Shell\Task;
use Cake\Console\Shell;
use Cake\Core\Configure;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Bake\Shell\Task\ControllerTask;
* Task class for creating and updating controller files.
* @property \Bake\Shell\Task\ModelTask $Model
* @property \Bake\Shell\Task\BakeTemplateTask $BakeTemplate
* @property \Bake\Shell\Task\TestTask $Test
class WetKitControllerTask extends ControllerTask
public function bake($controllerName)
$this->out("\n" . sprintf('Yo! Baking controller class for %s...', $controllerName), 1, Shell::QUIET);
When I run the bake command, I don't seem to be getting "Yo!" to appear:
$ bin/cake bake controller entries -t WetKit
Baking controller class for Entries...
Edit 3
I get an error:
Cannot declare class Wetkit\Bake\Shell\Task\ControllerTask because the name is already in use
I get an error:
Cannot declare class Wetkit\Bake\Shell\Task\ControllerTask because the name is already in use
No error, but doesn't output desired line:
public function bake($controllerName)
$this->out("\n" . 'Override damn you!');
Under the Include
tab in DebugKit
, I see that my WetKit
plugin is loaded.
To confirm, the override should happen in plugins/WetKit/src/Shell/Task/
of the plugin?
Edit 4
The namespace issue was my fault. I introduced this while trying to override the task.
In terms of autoloader, in composer.json
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"WetKit\\": "src/"
I decided to refresh the autoload files:
$ composer dump-autoload -o
Generating optimized autoload files
Class WetKit\Shell\Task\WetKitControllerTask located in C:/Users/me/Downloads/xampp3/xampp/htdocs/twofk/plugins/WetKit/src\Shell\Task\ControllerTask.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
Generated optimized autoload files containing 3261 classes
If I change the filename to match the classname, composer will load the class and not output the PSR-4 issue. The baking still doesn't work, I don't see the class changes.
I tried to bake with the filename being ControllerTask.php
and class name WetKitControllerTask
. Composer would have skipped the file, but baking still doesn't show my class modifications. Strange.
Edit 5
Noting a change to targeting TemplateTask.php
instead of ControllerTask.php
. What I need to do fits better in TemplateTask.php
With the class and filename matching, I cannot bake as I get the error shown below (which also happened with ControllerTask.php
Edit 6
use Bake\Shell\Task\TemplateTask as WetKitTemplateTask;
class TemplateTask extends WetKitTemplateTask
I just had to change the namespace and class definition as such and place the file under plugin/WetKit/src/Shell/Task
use Bake\Shell\Task\TemplateTask as WetKitTemplateTask;
class TemplateTask extends WetKitTemplateTask