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C# formatting excel column with epplus as negative number with prentices

I am trying to get an column formatted as a number. I want it with 1000 separator and red prentices. I am using Epplus 5.7.5 and C# .net 4.72 Some reason it just ignores this formatting.

workSheet.Column(4).Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)";


  • I figured it out myself. The only issue with this is if you have a large amount of data formatting the individual cell will slow down the export.

    private static void CreateData(ExcelWorksheet workSheet, ref int rowIndex, DataTable dt)
            int colIndex = 0;
            int intNumberCheck = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // Adding Data into rows
                colIndex = 1;
                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                    var cell = workSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex];
                    bool isNumber = Int32.TryParse(dr[dc.ColumnName], out intNumberCheck);
                    if (isNumber == true)
                        //Setting Value in cell
                        cell.Value = Convert.ToInt32(dr[dc.ColumnName]);
                        cell.Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)";
                        //Setting Value in cell
                        cell.Value = Convert.ToString(dr[dc.ColumnName]).Trim();