the problem only happens on iOS devices. I have an ion-textarea inside a modal, and a button inside it that the only action it executes is
dismissModal() { this.modalController.dismiss(); }
The problem is that when I click on it, only the keyboard is hidden and I have to click it again so that it executes the close of the modal. How can I avoid this behavior?
My solution:
In the HTML:
(mousedown)="dismissModal(); questionTextarea.setFocus()"
<ion-icon name="close" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon name="close" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>
in this way only for iOS devices it is forced to not close the keyboard
And in the component.ts:
dismissModal() {
if ('ios')) {
} else {
in this way, the keyboard closing event will not be executed until the dismiss function is called. I am using the plugin @capacitor/keyboard