Search code examples

Laravel 8 Livewire Save ID of Selected Value in Drop Down

I have two tables in my database "emp_info" contains(user_id, firstname, lastname) and "load_schedule" contains(faculty_id, corsname, day, room, time). The problem is I have an edit modal(pop-up) which is included in my main view although it displays the list of instructors ($instructors) but it can't update the faculty_id column with the new selected value.

Tried this so far:

<select class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" name="faculty_id">
    <option value="selected:" selected></option>
    @foreach($instructors as $emp)
        <option value="{{ $emp->user_id }}">{{ $emp->firstname.' '.$emp->lastname }}</option>

As you can see I am trying to use the user_id value to be inserted in the faculty_id column. Am I doing it wrong? I did put $instructors as global array in AppServiceProviders

Controller Codes

class JoinTable extends Component
    use WithPagination;
    public $faculty_id,$firstname,$lastname,$fullnames,$emp_id,$emp,$appointmentid,$corsno,$corsdes,$day,$c_time,$hours,$room,$section,$size,$sem,$sy,$unit,$userid,$user_id;
    public $openEdit=0;

    public function render() 
        $dupeSchedules = DB::table('load_schedule')
        ->select('room', 'hours', 'day','sy','sem')
        ->groupBy('room', 'hours', 'day','sy','sem')
        ->havingRaw('COUNT(*) > 1');
        //Sub-Query for isolating duplicated schedules//
        ->join('emp_info', 'load_schedule.faculty_id', '=','emp_info.user_id')
        ->select('load_schedule.*', 'emp_info.firstname', 'emp_info.lastname')
        ->joinSub($dupeSchedules, 'dupe_schedules', function ($join) {
        $join->on('','=', '');
        $join->on('','=', '');
        $join->on('load_schedule.hours','=', 'dupe_Schedules.hours');
        $join->on('','=', '');
        $join->on('load_schedule.sem','=', 'dupe_Schedules.sem');
        return view('livewire.join-table',compact('dupliSchedules'));

    public function edit($id)
    public function editModal(){
    public function closeModal(){
    public function store(){
            $this->emp_id ? 'Updated Successfully.' : 'Created Successfully.');
    public function create(){
    public function delete($id){
         session()->flash('warning',  'Deleted Successfully.');
    private function resetCreateForm()

        $this->faculty_id= '';
        $this->corsno= '';
        $this->corsdes= '';
        $this->day= '';
        $this->c_time= '';
        $this->hours= '';
        $this->room= '';
        $this->section= '';
        $this->size= '';
        $this->sem= '';
        $this->sy= '';
        $this->unit= '';
        $this->userid= '';



  • There is an another solution, You didn't posted your controller and model to here is example.

    protected $fillable = [
            'faculty_id', 'corsname', 'day', 'room', 'time'

    Above code will be in you model. If your controller codes are fine You select should be like this.

    <select class="" name="faculty_id" id="faculty_id" >

    Here is an example

     <select class="form-control" name="roles" id="roles" required="">
                     <option value="0" selected="" disabled="">Select Role</option> 
                      @foreach ($roles as $role)
                          <option value="{{$role->id}}" @if($roleid==$role->id) selected @endif>{{$role->name}}</option> 

    Try this bellow code If your controller and model are good

    <option name ="faculty_id" value="{{ $emp->user_id }}">{{ $emp->firstname.' '.$emp->lastname }}</option>

    I adding here someones suggestion to help people, if you are in a Livewire component the select element must be bind to the backend property.

    <select class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" wire:model="faculty_id">
     <option value=""></option>
     @foreach($instructors as $emp)
        <option value="{{ $emp->user_id }}">{{ $emp->firstname.' '.$emp->lastname }}</option>

    then in the livewire component

    public $faculty_id;
    public function updatedFacultyId($value)
        dd($value); // on select change, this line must be dumped