I have an exercice where I need to find the index of the first occurence of a number in list. But I also need to return None
if index can't be found, meaning the number is not in list.
I need to do that with a recursive function in Python.
I already created a code that does: "find the index of the first occurence of a number in list". And it works.
def index(lst, number_find):
if lst == []:
return None
elif lst[0] == number_find:
return 0
return 1 + index(lst[1:], number_find)
liste = range(51)
print(index(liste, 42))
But I can't write the code that manages the case if the number is not in list. I have done that:
def index(lst, number_find):
if number_find not in lst:
return None
elif lst == []:
return None
elif lst[0] == number_find:
return 0
return 1 + index(lst[1:], number_find)
liste = range(51)
print(index(liste, 42))
But the use of "not in" is not good here for me because that seems to use some iterative code that I can't use.
You have to protect against the case where None
comes back from the recursive call, because 1 + None
will raise a TypeError
def index(lst, number_find):
if lst == []:
return None
elif lst[0] == number_find:
return 0
i = index(lst[1:], number_find)
if i is not None:
return 1 + i
return None # not strictly necessary as None returned implicity
Of course, when you return from every if
-block, you can omit any else
. Also, None
is the default return value, so you can shorten your logic
def index(lst, number_find):
if lst:
if lst[0] == number_find:
return 0
if (i := index(lst[1:], number_find)) is not None:
return 1 + i
Btw, since slicing is O(N)
here, all these approaches are quadratic. So here is a solution that has linear complexity:
def index(lst, number_find):
def rec(it, i=0):
if (n := next(it, None)) is not None:
return i if n == number_find else rec(it, i+1)
return rec(iter(lst))