I have the dataframe below:
d1_7<-structure(list(conm = c("Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc",
"Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc",
"Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc",
"Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc",
"Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc",
"Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc", "Facebook Inc"), datadate = structure(c(14974,
14974, 15339, 15339, 15705, 15705, 16070, 16070, 16435, 16435,
16800, 16800, 17166, 17166, 17531, 17531, 17896, 17896, 18261,
18261, 18627, 18627), label = "Data Date", format.stata = "%td", class = "Date"),
fin_var = c("mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val",
"sale", "mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val",
"sale", "mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val",
"sale", "mkt_val", "sale", "mkt_val", "sale"), fin_value = c(NA,
1974, NA, 3711, 60321.3848471, 5089, 132250.58, 7872, 203944.28,
12466, 293361.98, 17928, 329388.15, 27638, 511910.46, 40653,
378850.1, 55838, 585783.5, 70697, 778779.16, 85965)), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -22L))
and I want to put a .png inside my ggplot like:
Here is my code:
mypng <- readPNG('C:/Users/User/Documents/Avilla ggplot/mark-zuckerberg-celebrity-mask.png')
plot <- ggplot(d1_7, aes(x = datadate, y = fin_value)) +
geom_col(aes(fill = conm))+
theme(legend.position = "none")+
ylab('Profits in $ million')+
xlab('Fiscal Year')+
plot+ guides(fill=guide_legend(title=""))+annotation_raster(mypng, ymin = 500000,ymax= 600000,xmin = 2014,xmax = 2015)
I believe that I cannot display it because xmin
and xmax
cannot accept dates as inputs.
I believe that I cannot display it because xmin and xmax cannot accept dates as inputs.
That's incorrect. You just don't pass dates.
plot+ guides(fill=guide_legend(title=""))+
annotation_raster(mypng, ymin = 500000,ymax= 600000,
xmin = as.Date("2014-01-01"),xmax = as.Date("2015-01-01"))