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Python use __new__ with no default init

I have some code below to create a Fruit object when no parameter is passed and when a parameter is passed.

For what I am trying to achieve, I get the error message TypeError: object() takes no parameters

class Fruit:
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return object.__new__(cls,"empty name")
    def __init__(self, fruitname):
        self.__fruit_name = fruitname

Expected code to work.

apple = Fruit("apple")
empty = Fruit()


  • I think the following should be sufficient for what you have described:

    class Fruit:
      def __init__(self, fruitname = "empty name"):
        self.__fruit_name = fruitname

    The reason for the error is an improper use of object.__new__() (This function does not expect any parameters) which is actually not necessary here.