I have many keys in Graph Editor, After scaling them, Maya has moved some of them between frames, (frame 5,37-4'54-...). I know how to move them one by one but I would like to create any script to put them one frame after o before.
Select All keys - click right - Snap option is not enough
Have a look to the selectKey and keyframe commands.
You could do something like this:
from maya import cmds
# Select the keys to be moved based on a time interval.
# For example the following commands will select keys between 5.01 and 5.99.
# Customize the interval and object/attributes based on your need.
cmds.selectKey('pSphere1.tx', add=True, keyframe=True, time=(5.01, 5.99))
cmds.selectKey('pSphere1.ty', add=True, keyframe=True, time=(5.01, 5.99))
cmds.selectKey('pSphere1.tz', add=True, keyframe=True, time=(5.01, 5.99))
# Change the time of the selected keys to the correct value (for example 5.0)
cmds.keyframe(animation='keys', option='over', absolute=True, timeChange=5.0)