I am making a discord bot that will grab a json using requests from time to time, and then send the relevant information to a specific channel.
I have the following classes:
, which is the discord bot itself, that runs async from the start, inside an asyncio.gather;tasker
that controls the interval which calls the class that will do the requests. It runs in a different thread so it doesn't stop the async Helper
while it waitsgetInfo
that does the requests, store the info and should talk with Helper
I am having 2 problems right now:
While the tasker
is on a different thread, every time I try to talk with Helper
via getInfo
it gives me the errors RuntimeError: no running event loop
and RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'getInfo.discordmsg' was never awaited
If I dont run it on a different thread, however, it does work on the TestStatus: 1 but it makes Helper
get stuck and stop running with TestStatus: 2
Anyway, here is the code
import requests
import asyncio
import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import threading
class Helper(discord.Client):
async def on_ready(self):
global discordbot, taskervar
servername = 'ServerName'
discordbot = self
self.servidores = dict()
self.canais = dict()
for i in range(len(self.guilds)):
self.servidores[self.guilds[i].name] = {}
servidor = self.guilds[i]
for k in range(len(servidor.channels)):
canal = servidor.channels[k]
self.canais[str(canal.name)] = canal
if 'bottalk' not in self.canais.keys():
newchan = await self.servidores[self.guilds[i].name]['guild'].create_text_channel('bottalk')
self.canais[str(newchan.name)] = newchan
self.servidores[self.guilds[i].name]['canais'] = self.canais
self.bottalk = self.get_channel(self.servidores[servername]['canais']['bottalk'].id)
await self.msg("Bot online: " + converteHora(datetime.now(),True))
print(f'{self.user} has connected to Discord!')
async def msg(self, msg):
await self.bottalk.send(msg)
async def on_message(self, message):
if message.author == self.user:
class tasker:
def __init__(self):
global discordbot, taskervar
print('Tasker start')
taskervar = self
self.waiter = threading.Event()
self.lastupdate = datetime.now()
self.nextupdate = datetime.now()
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.requests)
def startprocess(self):
if not self.thread.is_alive():
self.waiter = threading.Event()
self.interval = 60*5
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.requests)
def requests(self):
while not self.waiter.is_set():
self.lastupdate = datetime.now()
self.nextupdate = datetime.now()+timedelta(seconds=self.interval)
def stopprocess(self):
class getInfo:
def __init__(self):
global discordbot, taskervar
async def discordmsg(self,msg):
await discordbot.msg(msg)
def requests(self):
jsondata = {"TestStatus": 1}
if jsondata['TestStatus'] == 1:
asyncio.create_task(self.discordmsg("SOMETHING WENT WRONG"))
elif jsondata['TestStatus'] == 2:
hora = converteHora(datetime.now(),True)
asyncio.create_task(self.discordmsg(str("Everything is fine but not now: " + hora )))
def converteHora(dateUTC, current=False):
if current:
response = (dateUTC.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))
response = (dateutil.parser.isoparse(dateUTC)-timedelta(hours=3)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")
return response
async def main():
await asyncio.gather(
await Helper().start(TOKEN)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Your primary problem is you don't give your secondary thread access to the asyncio event loop. You can't just await and/or create_task
a coroutine on a global object (One of many reasons to avoid using global objects in the first place). Here is how you could modify your code to accomplish that:
class tasker:
def __init__(self):
# ...
self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
# ...
class getInfo:
def requests(self):
# replace the create_tasks calls with this.
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.discordmsg, taskervar.loop)
This uses your global variables because I don't want to rewrite your entire program, but I still strongly recommend avoiding them and considering a re-write yourself.
All that being said, I suspect you will still have this bug:
If I dont run it on a different thread, however, it does work on the TestStatus: 1 but it makes Helper get stuck and stop running with TestStatus: 2
I can't tell what would cause this issue and I'm running into trouble reproducing this on my machine. Your code is pretty hard to read and is missing some details for reproducibility. I would imagine that is part of the reason why you didn't get an answer in the first place. I'm sure you're aware of this article but might be worth a re-visit for better practices in sharing code. https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example