I have 5 Select Statements that search the SQLite Database the search variables are built on
a Form called frmBuildSearches and passed to a form with a DataGridView
The issue I am trying to overcome is I need to have 5 Sub Routines for each Search Type that is built
I would like to put the 5 Search Statements in ONE Sub Routine and when that Sub Routine is called make a decision
which Search Statement will be used. This is my first time working with the "Using" statement
This is were the challenge starts and after a lot of trial and error has stopped
The code below is one Sub Routine with 4 of the Search Statements commented out
Question How to embed the Search Statements in one Sub Routine with the "Using" statement ?
Private Sub MoRangeYr()
Dim intID As Integer
Dim strDate As String
Dim strTxType As String
Dim strAmt As Decimal
Dim strCKNum As String
Dim strDesc As String
Dim strBal As Decimal
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim maxRowCount As Integer
Dim emptyStr As String = " "
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{gv_dbName}';Version=3;")
'Designed Searches Below
'Using cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand($"SELECT * FROM TxData", conn)
'Using cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand($"SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txSearchMonth = '{gvFromMonth}' AND txYear = '{gvYear}' ", conn)
'Using cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand($"SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txType = '{gvTxType}' AND txSearchMonth = '{gvFromMonth}'AND txYear = '{gvYear}' ", conn)
'Using cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand($"SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txYear = '{gvYear}' ", conn)
Using cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand($"SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txSearchMonth = '{gvFromMonth}' AND txSearchMonth = '{gvToMonth}' AND txYear = '{gvYear}' ", conn)
Using rdr As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
While rdr.Read()
intID = CInt((rdr("TID")))
strDate = rdr("txSortDate").ToString
strTxType = rdr("txType").ToString
strAmt = CDec(rdr("txAmount"))
strCKNum = rdr("txCKNum").ToString
strDesc = rdr("txDesc").ToString
strBal = CDec(rdr("txBalance"))
dgvTX.Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N"
dgvTX.Columns(6).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N"
'dgvTX.Columns(6).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "C"'Adds the $ sign and commas
dgvTX.Rows.Add(intID, strDate, strTxType, strAmt, strCKNum, strDesc, strBal, emptyStr)
Dim dateToday = Date.Today
Dim lblDate As String = dateToday.ToString("MMM" & " " & "d" & " " & "yyyy")
lblAmt.Text = "Current Balance " & lblDate
tbBal.Text = "$ " & String.Format("{0:n}", strBal)
rowCount = rowCount + 1
End While
dgvTX.Sort(dgvTX.Columns(0), ListSortDirection.Descending)
If rowCount <= 25 Then
maxRowCount = 25 - rowCount
For iA = 1 To maxRowCount
dgvTX.Rows.Add(" ")
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
This code decides which Sub Routing is used
Private Sub frmViewTX_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If gvTEST Is "All" Then
ElseIf gvTEST Is "MoYr" Then
ElseIf gvTEST Is "Year" Then
ElseIf gvTEST Is "TxMoYr" Then
ElseIf gvTEST Is "MoRangeYr" Then
End If
End Sub
As I've said already, make sure to use parameterized queries! That out of the way, the basic answer to the question is you can change the CommandText
property between when you create the SQLiteCommand
object and when you actually run the command:
Private Sub MoRangeYr()
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{gv_dbName}';Version=3;")
Using cmd As New SQLiteCommand("",conn)
If gvTEST = "ALL" Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TxData"
Else If gvTEST = "MoYr" Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txSearchMonth = $gvFromMonth' AND txYear = $gvYear "
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$gvFromMonth", gvFromMonth)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$gvYear", gvYear)
Else If gvTEST = "TxMoYr" Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txType = $gvTxType AND txSearchMonth = $gvFromMonth AND txYear = $gvYear "
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$gvTxType", gvTxType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$gvFromMonth", gvFromMonth)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$gvYear", gvYear)
Else If gvTEST = "MoRangeYr" Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TxData WHERE txYear = $gvYear "
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$gvYear", gvYear)
End If
Using rdr As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
dgvTX.DataSource = rdr
dgvTX.Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N"
dgvTX.Columns(6).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N"
End Using
lblAmt.Text = $"Current Balance {DateTime.Today:MMMM d yyyy}"
' tbBal.Text = "${strBal:n}" ' This was wrong in the original code
dgvTX.Sort(dgvTX.Columns(0), ListSortDirection.Descending)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
You may also want to look into DataBinding this result. You're writing a lot of extra code to do work the GridView knows how to do for you. One more thing: instead of dgvTX.Sort()
at the end, try adding an ORDER BY
to the SQL that gives you that order in the first place.