I am looking to create a generic function to convert the output decision_scores
of sklearn's IsolationForest
into true probabilities [0.0, 1.0]
I am aware of, and have read, the original paper and I understand mathematically that the output of that function is not a probability, but is instead an average of the path length constructed by each base estimator to isolate an anomaly.
I want to convert that output to a probability in the form of a tuple (x,y)
where x=P(anomaly)
and y=1-x
def convert_probabilities(predictions, scores):
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
new_scores = [(1,1) for _ in range(len(scores))]
anomalous_idxs = [i for i in (range(len(predictions))) if predictions[i] == -1]
regular_idxs = [i for i in (range(len(predictions))) if predictions[i] == 1]
anomalous_scores = np.asarray(np.abs([scores[i] for i in anomalous_idxs]))
regular_scores = np.asarray(np.abs([scores[i] for i in regular_idxs]))
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
anomalous_scores_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(anomalous_scores.reshape(-1,1))
regular_scores_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(regular_scores.reshape(-1,1))
for i, j in zip(anomalous_idxs, range(len(anomalous_scores_scaled))):
new_scores[i] = (anomalous_scores_scaled[j][0], 1-anomalous_scores_scaled[j][0])
for i, j in zip(regular_idxs, range(len(regular_scores_scaled))):
new_scores[i] = (1-regular_scores_scaled[j][0], regular_scores_scaled[j][0])
return new_scores
modified_scores = convert_probabilities(model_predictions, model_decisions)
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification, load_iris
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Get data
X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
anomalies, anomalies_classes = make_classification(n_samples=int(X.shape[0]*0.05), n_features=X.shape[1], hypercube=False, random_state=60, shuffle=True)
anomalies_df = pd.DataFrame(data=anomalies, columns=X.columns)
# Split into train/test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.15, random_state=60)
# Combine testing data
X_test['anomaly'] = 1
anomalies_df['anomaly'] = -1
X_test = X_test.append(anomalies_df, ignore_index=True)
y_test = X_test['anomaly']
X_test.drop('anomaly', inplace=True, axis=1)
# Build a model
model = IsolationForest(n_jobs=1, bootstrap=False, random_state=60)
# Fit it
# Test it
model_predictions = model.predict(X_test)
model_decisions = model.decision_function(X_test)
# Print results
for a,b,c in zip(y_test, model_predictions, model_decisions):
print_str = """
Class: {} | Model Prediction: {} | Model Decision Score: {}
modified_scores = convert_probabilities(model_predictions, model_decisions)
# Print results
for a,b in zip(model_predictions, modified_scores):
ans = False
if a==-1:
if b[0] > b[1]:
ans = True
ans = False
elif a==1:
if b[1] > b[0]:
print_str = """
Model Prediction: {} | Model Decision Score: {} | Correct: {}
""".format(a,b, str(ans))
Shows some odd results, such as:
Model Prediction: 1 | Model Decision Score: (0.17604259932311161, 0.8239574006768884) | Correct: True
Model Prediction: 1 | Model Decision Score: (0.7120367886017022, 0.28796321139829784) | Correct: False
Model Prediction: 1 | Model Decision Score: (0.7251531538304419, 0.27484684616955807) | Correct: False
Model Prediction: -1 | Model Decision Score: (0.16776449326185877, 0.8322355067381413) | Correct: False
Model Prediction: 1 | Model Decision Score: (0.8395087028516501, 0.1604912971483499) | Correct: False
Model Prediction: 1 | Model Decision Score: (0.0, 1.0) | Correct: True
How could it be possible for the prediction to be -1 (anomaly)
, but the probability to only be 37%? Or for the prediction to be 1 (normal)
, but the probability is 26%?
Note, the toy dataset is labeled but an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm obviously assumes no labels.
Though months later, there is an answer to this question.
A paper was published in 2011 that attempted to show research on just this topic; unifying anomaly scores into probabilities.
In fact, the pyod
library has a common predict_proba
method, which gives an option to use this unifying method.
Here is a code implementation of that (influenced from their source):
def convert_probabilities(data, model):
decision_scores = model.decision_function(data)
probs = np.zeros([data.shape[0], int(model.classes)])
pre_erf_score = ( decision_scores - np.mean(decision_scores) ) / ( np.std(decision_scores) * np.sqrt(2) )
erf_score = erf(pre_erf_score)
probs[:, 1] = erf_score.clip(0, 1).ravel()
probs[:, 0] = 1 - probs[:, 1]
return probs
(For reference, pyod
does have an Isolation Forest