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How to initialize Koin viewmodel with parameters inside a composable?

My viewmodel module looks like this:

val viewModelModule = module {
    viewModel { (id: Int, user: String, email: String) ->
        MyViewModel(get(), get(), id = id, user = user, email = email)

so the viewmodel accepts a total of five parameters, the first two being repositories, here are modules for both of them:

val firstRepositoryModule = module {
    single {
val secondRepositoryModule = module {
    single {

i'm aware of this sample code, but here the viewmodel doesn't accept any parameters, so it doesn't answer my question


  • As mentioned in Koin's docs we can pass parameters to ViewModel via parametersOf() function and we can get ViewModel in composable with getViewModel(parametersOf(...)).

    Example of a ViewModel with two params, string with ID of object and repository. In init{} we can use both of them:

    class MeaningViewModel(private val meaningID: String, private val dictRepository: DictRepository) : ViewModel() {
        init {
            viewModelScope.launch {
                val reply = dictRepository.getMeaningDetails(meaningID)

    Koin module with repository as a singleton and ViewModel with two parameters:

    val appModule = module {
        single<DictRepository> { DictRepositoryImpl() }
        viewModel { MeaningViewModel(get(), get()) }

    In NavHost's composable:

        route = "meaning/{meaningID}",
        arguments = listOf(navArgument("meaningID") { type = NavType.StringType })
    ) { entry ->
        val meaningID = entry.arguments?.getString("meaningID") ?: ""
        val viewModel = getViewModel<MeaningViewModel>(
                            parameters = { parametersOf(meaningID) }