I have a function that looks like this that I'm trying to mock.
import pymysql
# conn returns a pymysql.connect connection
conn = get_conn(db_port, db_username, db_name)
def does_table_exist(conn, table_name):
sql = f"SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='{table_name}';"
table_exists = None
with conn.cursor() as cur:
sql_result = cur.execute(sql)
if sql_result == 1:
table_exists = True
if sql_result == 0:
table_exists = False
return table_exists
except Exception as error:
My test file looks like as follows.
def test_check_table_exists(init):
with patch('code.app.pymysql.connect') as mock_connect:
cursor = MagicMock()
execute = Mock(return_value=1)
cursor.return_value = execute
mock_connect.return_value.__enter__.return_value = cursor
# Here init is a pytest fixture that imports the module
response = init.does_table_exist(mock_connect, 'test')
assert response == True
When I run the above, I get the following
FAILED tests/unit/test_code.py::test_does_table_exist - assert None == True
Mocks totally baffle me at times. I need to ensure that cur.execute is mocked to return 1 back. However None being returned by the function. Can someone point me to how to properly mock this.
I was able to get this to work in the following way.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('data, output', [
(1, True), (0, False)
def test_does_table_exist(init, data, output):
with patch('code.app.pymysql.connect') as mock_connect:
cursor = MagicMock()
cursor.execute.return_value = data
mock_connect.return_value.cursor.return_value.__enter__.return_value = cursor
t = pymysql.connect()
response = init.does_table_exist(t, 'test')
assert response == output