I try to get last system shutdown and\or reboot. But it not works for me.
I make reboot my machine yeasterday and make shutdown-power on 10 minutes ago. But code says me about last shutdown - it is yeasterday.
I read this questions:
Get the date-time of last windows shutdown event using .NET
How to know when was Windows started or shutdown?
But it is not work for my machine.
I try this code:
var _rebootPerformanceCounter = new global::System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("System", "System Up Time");
var uptimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_rebootPerformanceCounter.NextValue());
var uptime = uptimeSpan.ToString();
And this:
string sKey = @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows";
using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sKey))
string sValueName = "ShutdownTime";
byte[] val = (byte[]) key.GetValue(sValueName);
long valueAsLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(val, 0);
var shutdownTime= DateTime.FromFileTime(valueAsLong);
Console.WriteLine(shutdownTime); //THIS
And this:
if (EventLog.Exists("System"))
var log = new EventLog("System", Environment.MachineName, "EventLog");
var entries = new EventLogEntry[log.Entries.Count];
log.Entries.CopyTo(entries, 0);
var startupTimes = entries.Where(x => x.InstanceId == 2147489653).Select(x => x.TimeGenerated);
var shutdownTimes = entries.Where(x => x.InstanceId == 2147489654).Select(x => x.TimeGenerated);
var shutdownEvents = entries.Where(x => x.InstanceId == 2147484722);
So, the values are same: it says that i reboot my machine last evening and do not show last power off time. I try this code on PC and notebook with same results. At my PC i have uninterrupted power supply unit and i turned it off.
So I'm confused. What am I doing wrong?
Solution is very simple: i should off "clever power management" with -
powercfg -h off
And code works!