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Prophet - saturation forecast minimum goes below 0

I'm doing a prophet prediction for a dataframe with call count and I tried to do a logistic growth model for it. Dataframe has ds column; 30min datetime bins and y column; call count for each bin

Here's the prediction code


m = Prophet(growth='logistic')
future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=periods, freq='H')
forecast = m.predict(future)
fig1 = m.plot(forecast, xlabel='Date-time DD-MM-YY:HH-MM-SS', ylabel='Call Count')
plt.title('Forecast Prediction')

and graph

enter image description here

Even after that the detected pattern graph and forecast both goes below zero. Why is this happening and What can I do?


  • Generally speaking, a common technique to handle negative values in prediction models is the logarithmic trasformation.

    To transform your target variable , you can use Y=log(x + c) where c is the constant.

    People usually choose something like Y=log(x+1) or any other "very small" positive number.

    After this transformation, it's impossible to get negative values from forecasting.

    To come back to original scale just use the inverse function of y=log(x+1) , that is y = exp(x)-1