Scenario: I have 4 repos in an ACR(azure container registry) with multiple images in each repo. I want to move all the repos and all images in it to a different ACR(azure container registry) What I have Done: I have used below command to import a single image in an ACR(azure container registry) repo to another ACR repo.
az acr import \
--name myregistry \
--source \
--image targetimage:tag \
--username <SP_App_ID> \
--password <SP_Passwd>
Problem: The above command only imports a single image based on the tag given.
Solution Needed: What I want to achieve is to import all the image inside a single repo of an ACR to a different ACR.
Please let me know if anyone have any solution for this.
Whipped up this script using pwsh and az cli:
$SourceAcrName="source ACR Name"
$DestinationAcrName="destination ACR Name"
$Repos= az acr repository list --name $SourceAcrName | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($repo in $Repos) {
$Tags = az acr repository show-tags -n $SourceAcrName --repository $repo | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($tag in $Tags) {
az acr import -r $SourceAcrName -n $DestinationAcrName --source "${repo}:${tag}" --no-wait
It will copy all repositories and tags in the ACR to the destination ACR.
the --no-wait
parameter allows the tasks to run in the background in Azure, so you don't have to wait for confirmation.